Broderick needs a KIDNEY

January 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

My name is Broderick McWhorter. I recently turned 27 years old, and I NEED A KIDNEY!!!
***My blood type is O . ONLY blood types O + and O – can donate to me. ***
I struggled with nausea, fatigue and body aches for quite some time when doctors began monitoring my blood work. My blood work revealed that my kidneys were not functioning as they should, and I was diagnosed with Fabry’s disease after doctors performed a kidney biopsy on May 8th, 2013. I began hemodialysis on October 1, 2013. I spend 3 days every week at the dialysis clinic and spend the remaining 4 days of each week praying that my body can recover quickly enough to be somewhat active. My life is planned around my dialysis schedule. Brandy actually met me outside of my dialysis clinic to take the photo you see. But what is most frustrating about having to rely on dialysis to live is not having the energy I used to have, the energy I want to have so badly in order to be able to do all that I want to with my 5 year old son Kaylon.
Kaylon is my reason to fight through the tough days and see the good in every day. He knows that there are days I don’t feel well, and he knows that I go to dialysis and take a lot of medicine. But he doesn’t know how serious my disease is. The truth is, I want him to at least know that there is something going on with me, so if the worst happens, it won’t completely blindside him. I hate that I even have to think about how to prepare my 5 year old son for the news that something has happened to his dad, but I do. 
Battling kidney failure has taught me a lot. It’s taught me to be humble and appreciate what we sometimes take for granted. I cherish moments that may have been overlooked or unappreciated before. A transplant would change everything about my life and the life I am able to share with my son, and it is what I pray for every day of my life. 
I have been on the waiting list at GRU in Augusta, GA since September 2014. If you would like to be tested as my living donor match, please contact my coordinator, Kerrie Moyer, at 706-721-8560. Tell her you would like to me tested as a match for Broderick McWhorter (DOB 1/2/88). Thank you!!!!


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