Find a Kidney for Rosalynn!

December 14, 2015  •  1 Comment
Find A Kidney For Rosalynn
Here is a note from Rosalynn to her life saving donor.
Dear Donor:
I have not been successful in using the traditional form of listing to find a donor. It just has not worked for me because I have been on the list for a while and have yet to receive a call saying a donor organ is a match for me. It may possibly be because I am one person needing a transplant on a list of 100,000 people who also need a transplant. There may be a lot of people in their mid-thirties like me, they may be on that list with wishes and hopes as great as mine, and fears as deep as mine. I am just one person on a list of more than 100,000 people, but I have to find a way to become something more than a digit on a page because I am suffering greatly. Since the age of 17 I have been battling illness. At that time it was Lupus. As a young woman with so many things to yet accomplish I refused to let Lupus kill me, so I pushed onward, graduated from college fell in love and lived life fully. At age 31 I was informed that Lupus did to me what Lupus does when it destroyed my kidney function. My medical team told me that I was in full blown kidney failure and I would need to begin dialysis. It was extremely hard to accept because I had been so diligent about staying healthy and managing my illness. Shortly after being told I would have to begin dialysis I fell into a coma and nearly died. By the Love of God I lived. At that moment I promised myself that I was not going to just live, I was going to accomplish the wonderful things that make life worth living. It is not my intention to just be alive, I want to live and enjoy life. I want to have children. To be a mom is my sincerest wish. My husband of 11 years is my best friend, my rock and confidante. He is my life’s love and I very much want to have a family. We have three dogs whom we love very much, but we have room for children. I graduated with a degree in prelaw and I plan to finish law school. I believe all these things are in my future, but what is most important now is finding a donor because the key to my dreams is in the hands of my donor. The purpose of this page is to ask you to please unlock the door to my future happiness by being my donor today. Please!
To be a living donor is a big undertaking but you can do it. Many thousands of people have done it before you. Together we will take this journey. What is definitely true is that human beings can live their full lives with just one healthy kidney. That scientific evidence is clear. Another thing relates to the medical procedure which is extremely safe. Please take a moment and leave a message for me. I would l love to speak to you personally so we can explore this matter more fully together.
My blood type is A+. I am listed at Emory University Hospital. For more donor information, send me a message or contact my Transplant Center at 1 (855) 366-7989
Very Truly Yours,


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