Help find my PopPop a Kidney!

February 06, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

My name is Mike Eaton, and I need a kidney. I have been battling end-stage kidney failure and praying for a transplant for 5 years. 
I was borned in raised in Buckhead, GA. My fiancé and I have 3 children between us, and I am a proud PopPop to 7 precious grandbabies. My family means more than anything to me, and we our raising one of our grandchildren, Madyson, who is 6 years old. I owned, and operated, a successful concrete business for 25 years. Kidney disease has taken away, or completely changed, my ability to do the things I have always enjoyed most. Kidney failure left me no choice but to shut my business down. With one diagnosis, I went from a hard-working, successful business owner to living on disability wishing I had the physical stamina and energy to work as hard as I did for all those years. I have to stay close to home, since I have to go to dialysis 3 days every week for 4-5 hours at a time. I was placed on the waiting list 5 years ago at Georgia Regents University in Augusta, GA. I have been called 7 times and was told that a possible deceased donor match had been found. Each time, there was someone else being considered also, and because of their time spent on the waiting list or better matching, the recipient chosen was not me. I am thankful that someone, even if it wasn’t me, received their transplant blessing. I remain strong in my faith and believe, if it is God’s will, I will receive my transplant when the time is right. I will admit though, that I sometimes wonder if it will ever happen. Hemodialysis has kept me alive and going for almost 2 years. Dialysis days are long and pretty much consist of just that – dialysis. Although my treatment is complete after 5 or so hours, my body is wiped out for the rest of the day, and sometimes even into the days between. I want, so much, to be well again!!! I want to be able to take Madyson hunting and fishing anytime we would like to go rather than plan our outings around my dialysis schedule or how I’m feeling that day. I am ready to go back to work and earn a living doing what I love. I am ready to live life without a standing date with the dialysis clinic. If you would like to be tested as my living donor match, please contact Lynn Joyner, GRU transplant coordinator, at 706-721-2888. I appreciate you reading my story. PLEASE SHARE, and thank you to anyone who feels it in your heart to help me. Our Daddy Needs a Kidney-Team Callaway


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