First Ever Fundraiser for Be The Change-Brandy Angel Foundation

May 29, 2016  •  1 Comment

To Whom it May Concern, 

My name is Brandy Angel . I am a Georgia based photographer and the founder and president of a Non Profit organization called, “Be The Change—Brandy Angel Foundation” . 

My foundation uses photography, print and social media, as well as other outlets, to help those in need spread their stories of hope to as many as possible.

We have helped people locate living kidney donors, look for lost loved ones and we even helped a local family who’d lost everything in a house fire receive donations from all over the country.

A huge part of the foundation, however, is sharing the stories of local children battling cancer. 

We are doing our best to help them spread awareness to the huge problem of low funding for childhood cancer research, and also offer them a way to document their lives and have special experiences during this difficult time.

On July 17, 2016 we are planning one of those special experiences. We want to offer these children and their siblings a fantasy photo session!

The event will be held at Little Rose Nature School in Watkinsville, Ga. 
Bombshell Creations has offered to do hair and make up for the children and I , along with several other photographers , will be offering them free photo sessions. 

We will also be raffling off these special sessions to a limited number of the general public for the purpose of raising funds with which to purchase camera equipment so that these cancer-stricken families may borrow the equipment to document their own stories during treatment.

This will offer them so much more privacy, the ability to share their stories, and offer awareness to the funding plight. 

We are also in the planning stages of creating nature photography teaching workshops for the children at the beautiful Little Rose Nature School, where the nature experience alone will be a healing balm.

Here’s where we need your help : We are seeking donations of costumes, both princess, fairy and super hero, wigs and accessories for the children, catering for the day of the event, and any props we could use in the fantasy photo sessions. If you are interested in loaning any of these items, I would be happy to return them to you. 

We are also taking donations of any goods you would like to donate for an online silent auction.

Any help you can offer us will be greatly appreciated ! Even ideas and thoughts are welcome!

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Any donations, or loans, of costumes, and or accessories, would be greatly appreciated. I will gladly share all watermarked images to vendors of the donated items for marketing purposes as well as give credit to all those who collaborate. Any donations can be sent to; 

Brandy Angel
1201 Whispering Lakes Trail
Madison GA 30650

Thank you again for any help you may be able to provide.

Brandy Angel
Brandy Angel Photography
Be The Change-Brandy Angel Foundation
[email protected] The world lost this beautiful boy 1 year ago today.He passed away from the effects of the adult treatments that are given to our sick children because of the lack of funding to find better treatmentsThe world lost this beautiful boy 1 year ago today.He passed away from the effects of the adult treatments that are given to our sick children because of the lack of funding to find better treatments




Great article Lot's of information to Read...Great Man Keep Posting and update to People..Thanks
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